There is no doubt that animations are taking toll in every aspect of life. And keeping in pace with this trend in 3d animations businesses are also using animations for promoting their products. There are many reasons that has made business houses to use these animations for their commercials
Here are the reasons behind that
- Advertisements are the most popular way to promote your product. Now in live ads you need models or actors. It is very tough to get their schedule as they are always busy. Sometimes they may go out of country or be busy with other assignments. Thus, using animated characters helps you out of facing their tantrums!
- Apart from getting time from popular models and actors there is another problem associated with them. They are very expensive to hire. The agents charge different fees for different type of promotions and it costs too much. Thus, when budget is a question nothing can be better than a 3D animated advertisement.
- Models and actors may also not work on some project fearing that it may affect their image! Even if they agree to work they may ask for changes that will not fulfill the purpose of the advertisement. So, what is the use of hiring them with extra charges when you have the option to animate the advertisement and make your product or service popular!
- The cost of shooting the total advertisement in good location may be very costly. While when you are using 3D animation you do not have to go any far than your studio. The cost of travelling becomes almost zero that can be utilized somewhere else.
- Animations give you the opportunity to think anything. With it you can design that is present on earth or create a new image to popularize your product. In short with 3d animation sky becomes your limit. So, let creativity work and do wonders for your concern.
- While you use actors or models for advertisement you will need help from animation to give those special effects that will make the advertisement rocking. This special effect is the gift of animation only. Thus, even when you use live actors or models for your advertisement you will need help from animation.
It is clear that animation has opened up different ideas to make an advertisement. With the help of it you can let your creative powers to explore new things. Moreover, if you want to make certain changes in your TV commercials you do not have to arrange for the dates of the actor, if the commercials are animated. If they are not, for making every change in the commercials you have to take appointment from the actors who have worked in it.
With this discussion it is clear that when advertising becomes so interesting with the help of animation, it is natural that more and more concern will go for animated commercials for promoting their business.