Promote Your Brand with the Help of Brand Designer
For most people branding is equivalent to having a great Logo! Is it so? Is it possible to create a brand by only having a logo that is expressive and tells about your business? Branding is something more than just designing a logo and this is where your business needs the support from a brand designer who will create your brand and make people aware of that. The efforts for branding your logo are much more than creating the logo itself.
We at Graphic Designo will handle your brand graphics to shine it among your top competitors, our professional brand designing team have a deep knowledge of it and make your brand just like wow..
Brand designing – an art to promote your business
Your brand is the perceived corporate image of your concern and it is different from your logo in the sense that a logo is the symbol or mark through which your business is identified. The term ‘brand designing’ can be explained as the process by which the perceived value of the organization is grown amongst the customers and other stakeholders. It is different from identity designing and mainly aims in creation of a notion about the organization in the mind of the users.
The job of brand designing is mainly done by the brand designer who knows how they can transform a simple logo into a brand. With proper branding it is possible to create a separate identity of any organization amongst its customer base. The company is viewed in terms of the services or products that the customers related to its brand.
For marketing your business successfully the three key rules are brand recognition, brand recognition and brand recognition! Hence, in order to make your brand recognizable it is necessary to create the brand. And for creating your brand, branding is necessary that is done by an expert brand designer.
Learn more about branding here
Elements of brand designing
With the help of brand designing it is possible to articulate your concern visually in all packaging and promotions. With the help of proper brand design solution it is possible to connect with your customers, create brand loyalty among them and maintain the quality of your product for maintenance and enhancement of the brand.
There are few elements that makes brand designing successful. They are
Color plays a major role in branding. Whatever color is used gradually it represents the company and its product. Like if you think of Coke you will be reminded of the color ‘red.’ Thus, the color that is used for designing the brand is most importance. It should be such that can be easily noticed at the first glance.
Just choosing color is not enough as there must be synergy with the color and the other items used for branding. Your brand designer will be able to choose a color for your brand depending upon your principles of the business.
There is no doubt that your brand is differentiated with the help of a logo. The style that is incorporated in the logo must be used in other things of designing too. It will make it easier for the consumers to recognize the brand with the logo. Once a brand is recognized with the logo it becomes easier to market the products. Branding becomes simple and easier.
In brand designing music also plays a vital role. It plays its role after the color, logo and other curves completes their work. Just think of the music given by A.R. Rahman for Airtel. It was the theme music by the great musician that made it easier for Airtel to be recognized by people in all areas. It’s true that a designer may not create the music themselves but they will incorporate the music so that it helps in brand creation and recognition.
These are the basic elements of branding. Apart from these there are many more efforts given by our designing team who designs the different steps that makes a brand successful.
Steps in creation of brand
During the process of brand designing any expert brand designer will follow the following steps so that they are able to create a brand that is different and unique.
- Defining the business and what they do
The first step in brand designing is understood about the business, what they are, what do they produce what service they provide and more. The most important things that are needed to be understood are what are special about them that make them different from other businesses in the market. It is the unique selling proposition (USP) of the business that makes branding successful. Your client expects that you will fulfill your promises and this is how they remember you and your business and refer you to their friends. All this helps in brand designing. A brand designer will first understand these things and then proceed with designing with your brand.
- Define the audience or client
The next thing to be done is defining the client or audience for whom the brand is created. It is necessary to understand what they like, why should they choose your business over others and concentrate to highlight those factors. It is necessary to list down the attributes of your potential customers that will make it easier to connect with them easily.
- Let your personality shine
Your customers are real people. They are not a business like yours. So, do you expect that real people will communicate with business? No they will not. You have to make it possible for them to identify your personality and get connected to it. Now, the question is how can a non-living thing like business will have personality? It is your personality that will be reflected in your business. If you believe in timeliness your business will also follow the same. If you are courteous your business will show the same traits. And all this will help your consumers identify your business as a personality and thus half of branding is done.
- Make it professional
And that is what a professional brand designer will do. They will make everything look professional and work for making your business an identity that will help it get recognized among its potential customers easily.
- Have a great tagline and logo
In order to recognize your brand your customers will be in need of a visual presentation. It can be solved by your Logo. Your Logo will create an impression in the mind of your customers that must be recognized with the services provide by you. Even the tagline also plays an important role in promoting your business. it should be catchy and must be recognized with your business
- Create your business voice
Yes, for creating the brand of any business it is necessary that the business has a voice. It can be friendly, professional, service oriented, informative or conversational. With the help of a proper voice that is the way you provide service to your customers your brand will be recognized better amongst your consumers and prospective customers.
These are the steps through which a brand designer designs a brand for your business. From this it must be clear that the process of brand designing is not simple and it is not just the part of a brand designer with the help of which the brand will be made. It is effort from every employee of the organization; the management and the designer that will create a successful brand that will create an impression in the mind of the people.
Thus, there are certain things that a brand designer will start but the total effort will be from each and every individual associated with the business.
Brand designers and the role played by them
Reading the above section you must be thinking that when effort from so many people are required for creating brand what is the role of a professional brand designer in designing the brand of the organization?
A brand designer leads the way in which the organization must walk so that they are able to create the brand. They are the leaders who understand about the business and then strategies how can they promote the brand so that it becomes easily recognizable among its customers?
In order to design the brand of any organization the brand designers will require the following
- Visual identity of the business that is logo
- Websites of the business
- Corporate identity
- Packaging of products
- Help of social media
In order to design the brand of any organization the designers first understand the existing situation of the business. If it is a new concern then they start from scratch. If it is an existing concern they collect maximum information about the business to proceed. They interact with you to understand about your business mood, image and how you want to project your business. They create alternative designs and present them to you so that you are able to help them in promoting your brand.
A brand designer discovers about the business, defines its audiences, Brand and attributes for developing the personality, message and strategy of brand promotion and the result is that they deliver your business its brand image.
Checkout our branding portfolio here
Hurdles in Brand Designing
While designing a brand for any business the journey is not smooth. They come across a number of hurdles that must be leaped over so that they are able to create the brand design successfully. Let’s discuss about the different hurdles that a brand designer may come across.
Relating between a Logo and brand. Even if a businessman relates between their logo and brand that is fine but in most cases they consider their Logo as their brand. This is not true. Their logo is just a part of their part and to explain this brand designer has to take many issues. They have to make others understand that brand is an emotional attachment of their customers with their business and how they perceive their business. It is much more than just a logo.
Another issue that comes across a designer is that creating a brand is duty of the designer. Yes, it is but maintaining the brand value is duty of the each and every person associated with the business. A designer can lead and create the brand of the business based on the business practices but it is the responsibility of the whole team to manage it and ensure that it values of the brand are kept intact.
Rebranding is solution to bad branding. Sometimes it may be important to recreate a brand but rebranding can never be the solution to bad branding. There must be some reasons for which the brand may have failed. In order to make the brand successful it is necessary to understand the reasons for which the brand has failed and once these root causes are analyzed and repaired even the old brand make do wonders.
Brand change is simple and it can be done easily. In reality it is almost impossible to change the perceived value of a concern until and unless regular communication is done to let the consumers know about the change. There are concern that are associated with a particular product and that is their brand. Now, as they are a well-known brand they decide to start another product line they may not be successful. So, it is communication that will help a brand to exist or even change successfully.
To wrap up
The job of a brand designer starts when they start understanding the business. They are the people who are responsible to branding the products or services that is making an emotional attachment between the products and their end users. Branding must be done by professionals who have expertise and who knows how to handle the different elements of branding so that they can successfully launch a brand.