Flash Animation refers to animated movies or clip created with the help of Adobe Flash software (Macromedia Flash). Flash animations can be created using Timeline technique in the Flash work-space or with the help of Action-script codes.
The best basic example of Flash animations is the tweened animation technique. In this method, the appearance of movement is created using start and ending key-frames. The flash animation studio creates an animation effect by varying the color, size and rotation of the cartoon between the key-frames. A frame by frame Flash animation method is used for creating complex animation movies. The animation studio modifies the movement of the image in every single frame.
Flash animations are largely displayed on the Internet. Flash animation are often referred to as online toon animation or webtoons. Flash animation is mainly saved in .swf file format. These files are generally smaller in size, gives quick download times. The fact that Flash animation can only allow the creation of 2D animations is not true. Nowadays Flash animation also uses in how to create 3D animations with ease.
Flash animation is able to integrate bitmap and other raster technique, as well as video, though most Flash animations are created using only vector based images which often result in a somewhat clear and clean graphic appearance. Some hallmarks of poorly created Flash animation are jerky natural movement (seen in walk-cycles), auto-tweened cartoon character movements without interpolation, and major changes from front to profile views.
Flash animations are mainly distributed by way of the World Wide Web, that’s why this is referred to as Internet cartoons, webtoons, or online cartoons. Web Flash animations may be creative and are often created in a series. Flash animations is distinguished from Webcomics, which is a comic strip distributed via the Websites, not an animated cartoon.